Chapter 1
A constant demand for better and more efficient
manufacturing and process machinery has led to the requirement for higher
quality and reliability in control techniques.
With the availability of intelligent, compact solid state electronic
devices, it has been possible to provide control systems that can reduce
maintenance, down time and improve productivity to a great extend. By installing efficient and user friendly
industrial electronics systems for manufacturing machinery or processors, one
can obtain a precise, reliable and prolific means for generating quality
Considering the varied demand and increasing
competition, one has to provide for flexible manufacturing process. One of the latest techniques in solid state
controls that offers flexible and efficient operation to the user is
idea behind these programmable controllers was to provide means to eliminate
high cost associated with inflexible, conventional relay controlled
systems. Programmable controllers offer
a system with computer flexibility:
1. Suited to withstand the
industrial environment
2. Has simplicity of operation
3. Maintenance by plant
technicians and
4. Reduce machine down time and
provide expandability for future.
A Programmable controller is a solid state user
programmable control system with functions to control logic, sequencing,
timing, arithmetic data manipulation and counting capabilities. It can be viewed as an industrial computer
that has a central processor unit, memory, input output interface and a
programming device. The central
processing unit provides the intelligence of the controller. It accepts data, status information from
various sensing devices like limit switches, proximity switches, executes the
control program store in the memory and gives appropriate
output commands to devices like solenoid valves, switches etc.
Input output interface is the communication link between
field devices and the controllers; field devices are wired to the I/O
interfaces. Through these interfaces the
processor can sense and measure
physical quantities regarding a machine or
process, such as, proximity, position, motion, level, temperature, pressure,
etc. Based on status sensed, the CPU
issues command to output devices such as valves, motors, alarms, etc.
Programmer unit provides the man machine interface. It is used to enter the application program,
which often uses a simple user-friendly logic.
1. Programmable controllers are
made of solid state components and hence provide high reliability.
2. They are flexible and
changes in sequence of operation can easily be incorporated due to
programmability. They may be modular in
nature and thus expandability and easy installation is possible.
3. Use of PLC results in
appreciable savings in Hardware and wiring cost.
4. They are compact and occupy
less space.
5. Eliminate hardware items
like Timers, counters and Auxiliary relays.
The presence for timers and counters has easy accessibility.
6. PLC can control a variety of
devices and eliminates the need for customized controls.
7. Easy diagnostic facilities
are provided as a part of the system.
Diagnosis of the external systems also becomes very simple. Thus easy service/maintenance.
8. Programming devices provide
operator friendly interface with the machine. Being an outcome of the latest
art of electronics technology, Programmable controllers provide higher level of
performance with computers is possible.
Useful management data can be obtained and maintained.
9. It has total protections
against obsolescence and has wide scope for up gradation.
Chapter 2
PLCs contain three basic sections:
1. Central processing unit
2. Memory: EPROM, RAM, and so on.
3. Input/output section for communication with
peripherals (ADC, DAC).
A PLC is basically a black
box with a number of inputs from, and a number of outputs to, the outside
world. It can make decisions, store data,
do timing cycles, do simple arithmetic, convert codes, and so on. The basic difference between this black box
and a hardware logic system using IC chips or a relay controlled system, is
that specific coded messages are stored in areas called program memory, which
are PROM or ROM and RAM chips. It is,
however, much easier to change a program when a different process is required
than to rewire the control system. For
example, it may take electricians a couple of weeks to require a pipe mill,
whereas a programmer will spend only a fraction of this time to reprogram a PLC
since no wires will have to be changed.
In addition, various recipes can be stored in memory and accessed when
required, making the program extremely flexible.
The system operates through
interaction with the
processor and program memory. When the power to the system is turned on,
the processor reads the first instruction stored in memory and acts on this
instruction. When completed, it goes
back to the memory for the next instruction, and so on until task is
complete. This operation is called the
fetch-execute cycle. The processor
communicates with the outside world via input and output modules.
Programmable logic
controllers (PLC) can be considered to have three parts:
1. Input/output Section
The I/O section contains input
modules and output modules. Functionally, the input modules are equivalent to
the signal converters (i.e. Analog to Digital or high power to low power). All
modern PLC input modules use optical devices to accomplish electrically
isolated coupling between the input circuit and the processor electronics.
Each input device is wired to a particular input terminal
on the I/O section. Thus if the switch
is closed, 5v dc appears
on input terminal, converts this dc voltage to a
digital 1 and sends it to the processor via programmable peripheral interface
(PPI). Conversely, if the switch is
open, no dc voltage appears on input terminal.
Input section will respond to this condition by sending a digital 0 to
the processor. The other input terminals
behave identically.
The Processor
The processor of a PLC holds and
executes the user program. In order to
carry out this job, the processor must store the most up-to-date input and
output conditions.
Input image table:
The input conditions are stored
in the input image table, which is a portion of the processor’s memory. That is, every single input module in the I/O
section has assigned to it a particular location within the input image
table. That particular location is
dedicated solely to the task of keeping track of the latest condition of its
input terminal. As mentioned in earlier
section, if the input terminal has 5v dc power fed to it by its input device,
the location within the input image table contains a binary 1(HI); if the input
terminal has no 5v dc power fed to it, the location contains a binary 0(LO).
The processor needs to know the
latest input conditions because the user program instructions are contingent upon
those conditions. In other words, an
individual instruction may have one outcome if a particular input is HI and a
different outcome if that input is LO.
(b) Output image table:
The output conditions are stored
in the output image table, which is another portion of the processor’s
memory. The output image table bears the
same relation to the output interface of the I/O section that while terminals
are analog inputs. You can directly
connect any analog input to the processor via these terminals. Analog signal from these terminals is first
converted to digital value via programmable peripheral interface (PPI). The I/O section’s output modules are
functionally the same as the output amplifiers.
They receive a low power digital signal from the processor and convert
it into a high power signal capable of driving an industrial load. A modern PLC output module is optically
isolated, and uses a triac,
power transistor or relay as the series connected
load controlling device. Terminal 1 to 8 are these type of O/P terminals
whereas terminal D/A is Analog output terminal from processor. Each output device is wired to a particular
output terminal on the I/O interface.
Thus, for example, if output module 1 receives a digital 1 by applying
5v dc to output terminal 1, thereby illuminating LED is extinguished.
Besides 5v dc (TTL devices), I/O module are also for
interfacing to other industrial levels, including 12v dc.
The input image table bears to the input modules. That is, every single output module has
assigned to it a particular memory location is dedicated solely to the task of
keeping track of the latest condition of its output module.
Of course, the output situation differs from the input
situation with regard to the direction of information flow is from the output
image table to the output modules, while in the input situation the information
flow is from the input modules to the input image table. The locations within the input and output
image tables are identified by addresses, which refers to unique address of
each terminal.
(c) Central processing unit:
The subsection of the processor
that actually performs the program execution will be called the central
processing unit (CPU) with reference to input and output image table CPU
executes the user program and continuously updates the output image table.
The output image table has a dual
nature; its first function is to receive immediate information from the CPU and
pass if on to the output modules of the I/O section; but secondly, it also must
be capable of passing output information “backward” to the CPU, when the user
program instruction that the CPU is working on calls for an item of output
information. The input image table does
not have its dual nature.
Its single mission is to acquire information from the input modules and
pass that information “forward” to the CPU when the instruction that the CPU is
working on calls for an item of input information.
(d) User program memory:
A particular portion of the
processor’s memory is used for storing the user program instructions. We will use the name user program memory to
refer to this processor subsection.
Before a PLC can begin
controlling an industrial system,
a human user must enter the coded
instructions that make up the user program.
This procedure called programming the PLC.
As the user enters
instructions, they are automatically stored at sequential locations within the
user program memory.
This sequential
placement of program instructions is self-regulated by the PLC, with no
discretion needed by the human user.
The total number of
instructions in the user program can range from a half dozen or so, for
controlling a simple machine, to several thousand, for controlling a complex
machine or process.
After the programming
procedure is complete, the human user manually switches the PLC out to PROGRAM
mode into RUN mode, which causes the CPU to start executing the program from
beginning to end repeatedly.
(e) The complete scan cycle:
As long as the PLC is left in
the RUN mode, the processor executes the user program over and over again. Figure depicts the entire repetitive series
of events. Beginning at the top of the
circle representing the scan cycle, the first operation is the input scan. During the input scan, the current status of
every input module is stored in the input image table, bringing it up to date.
Following the input scan, the
processor enters its user program execution.
Sometimes called “program scan”.
The program executes with reference to input and output image tables and
updates output image table.
Throughout the user program
execution, the processor continuously keeps its output image table up to date,
as stated earlier. However, the output
modules themselves are not kept continuously up to date. Instead, the entire output image table is
transferred to the output module during the output scan following the program
Data Memory:
A PLC is a computer, after
all. Therefore, it can perform
arithmetic, numeric comparisons, counting, etc.
Naturally the numbers and data can change from one scan cycle to the
next. Therefore the PLC must have a
section of its memory set aside for keeping track of variable data, or numbers,
that are involved with the user program.
This section of memory we will call data memory.
When the CPU is executing an
instruction for which a certain data value must be known, that data value is
brought in from data memory. When the
CPU executes an instruction that provides a numerical result, that result is
put out into data memory. Thus, CPU can
read from or write to the data memory.
Understand that this relationship is different from the relationship
between the CPU and the user program memory.
When the user program is executing, the CPU can only reads from the user
program memory, never write to it.
(g) Operating System of PLC:
The function of the operating
system is to present the user with the equivalent of an extended machine or
virtual machine that is easier to program than the underlying hardware.
Due to this operating system,
PLC is very easy to program. It can be
programmed using electrical schemes with familiar relay symbols so that a plant
electrician can easily access the PLC.
Even though he does not know the assembly language or even if he may not
have any familiarity with computers and electronics, he will be able to program
the PLC.
The function of PLC Operating
system is:
1. Loads
the user program from programming device to program memory.
2. To
read status of input devices.
3. To
execute user program.
4. To
form and update input image table.
As per the status of output image table controls the
output devices.
To provide user-friendly functions.
This O.S. makes supervision over
entire system, so O.S. programs are said to running in supervisory mode.
When the user completely enters
his program in user memory, he transfers control from PROGRAM mode to RUN
mode. In RUN mode the control of the
whole system is transferred to operating system. Now operating system takes care of the whole
system such that the whole system becomes automatic and appears as magic to
This low cost PLC system was
designed to satisfy hunger of Automation of Indian Industry and also helps beginners as well as
development engineers to get into Automation field.
System consists of following main
The CPU:
The CPU uses the 89c51
microcontroller, which operates at 11.0592Mhz.
It has 8k RAM, which can be used as data memory, 8k RAM that can be used
as program memory as well as data memory, 8k EEPROM that can be used as program
Input/output Section:
This part of system is on
separate board connected to processor via cable. It allows the processor to communicate with
the outside world. It is also called
Data Acquisition System (DAS).
This part of system provides 4
digital inputs consisting of 2 dc and 2 ac, 4 digital outputs consisting of 2
dc and 2 ac each. It also provides 8
analog inputs with following ranges:
1. –5v
to +5v (one channel).
2. 0v
to 10v (one channel).
3. 4mA
to 20mA (one channel).
4. 0v
to 5v (five channel).
The system has 2 timers or 2
counters or 1 timer and 1 counter. The
timer provides maximum of 255sec delay and the counter provides maximum of 255
Serial Communication:
The system uses RS-232 serial
data standard. Chip ICL232 is used as
communication interface between RS-232 standard and TTL logic.
(5) Programming
This system uses personal
computer (PC) as programming device. The
user can write program in user friendly language. The programming devices (PC) convert this
user friendly language program into machine understandable language and
transmit it to the PLC board via serial communication.
(6) Power
Supply Unit:
This system provides
+12v and -12v with maximum 2amps and +5v with maximum of 1amps.
Chapter 4
Here we are using 89c51
microcontroller, which has one full duplex serial data receiver/transmitter,
which is used for serial communication having interface with ICL232 chip.
It has also two 16 bits
timer/counter namely T0 and T1 which are used for timer and counter
applications. Timer T1 is used to set
baud rate for serial communication in program mode.
The system consists of four types of memory:
a. 4k
of EEPROM which is internal to 89c51 microcontroller. This memory is used to store the operating
system. It has address from 0000h to
0fffh. It can only be accessed when the
external access pin of controller is connected to +5v. In our system this pin is permanently connected
with +5v so external program memory is accessed only when the address is beyond
b. 8k
of RAM which is used as data memory. The
CPU can read data from and write data into this memory. This memory has address from 0000h to 1fffh.
c. 8k
of RAM which is used as data memory as well as program memory. The CPU can write program codes in and read
program codes from this memory. This
memory has address from 2000h to 3fffh.
d. 8k
of EEPROM, which is used as, program memory.
The subroutines, which are helpful in executing the main program, are
stored here. This memory has location
from 4000h to 5fffh.
Programmable Peripheral
Here two 8255 are used as
PPI. One is used to control the ADC and
DAC, while other is used for Input/output interface. The addresses for the 8255 used to control
ADC and DAC are:
Port A: 6000h
Port B: 6001h
Port C: 6002h
Control Word: 6003h
The addresses for the 8255 used
for Input/output interfaces are:
Port A: 8000h
Port B: 8001h
Port C: 8002h
Control Word: 8003h
Analog to Digital Converter(ADC):
Here ADC0809 is used as an 8 bit
ADC. 8255 whose addresses are 6xxxh is
used to give control signals to this ADC.
The port pins of 8255 are connected with the control pins of ADC as
shown below:
8255 Pins ADC
(Start of Conversion)
(Output Enable)
(End of Conversion)
Note: Here
PB4 is connected to OE pin of ADC through
NOT Gate. So we have to give negative pulse by pin PB4
to pin OE to give Output Enable.
This ADC is used to convert the
real world analog data into digital form.
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC):
Here the only control signal is
“Start of Conversion”, which is connected with PC0 of 8255 having address
6xxxh. For converting the digital data
to analog form first make PC0 low and then put digital data on port0 of
89c51. Now make PC0 high.
This particular part of the
system is idle in our application, but it is kept for future expansion.
Serial Communication:
Here in-built transmitter/receiver of 89c51 is used for
serial communication in conjunction with chip ICL232. Here the transmitter/receiver is of
asynchronous type (UART). So the data is
communicated byte by byte. The UART is
working in serial communication mode 1.
So the timer T1 is used to set the baud rate. The baud rate is set to 2400.
Switches and Indicators:
a. Power
ON/OFF switch.
b. Reset
c. Program/Run
mode Switch.
a. Power
b. Reset
c. Program
mode LED(orange)
d. Run
mode LED(green)
e. Fault
LED(red, green, orange, yellow)
8. Digital
DC Input:
We have two digital DC inputs with following
1. 0v
to 5v – LOW
2. 20v
to 25v- HIGH
3. Opt
coupler Isolation.
AC Input:
We have two digital AC inputs with following
1. 0v
to 10v-LOW
2. 20v
to 25v-HIGH
3. 47hz
to 63hz frequency.
4. Opt
coupler Isolation.
9. Digital
DC outputs:
We here have two DC outputs with following specification:
1. 0v
t0 3v-0v
2. 3.5v
to 5v-24v
3. 0.5amp
output current.
4. Opt
coupler Isolation.
AC outputs:
We have two relays as AC outputs with following
1. 0v
to 3v- relay OFF
2. 3.5v
to 5v- relay ON
3. Opt
coupler Isolation.
4. Relay
with12v, 4ohm.
Chapter 5
AC Output:
Output Address
Relay 1(Normally Open) 00
Relay 2(Normally Open) 01
Relay 1(Normally Close) 20
Relay 2(Normally Close) 21
DC Output:
Output Address
Out 1(Normally Open) 02
Out 2(Normally Open) 03
Out 1 (Normally Close) 22
Out 2 (Normally Close) 23
AC Input:
Input Address
In 1(Normally Open) 04
In 2(Normally Open) 05
In 1(Normally Close) 24
In 2(Normally Close) 25
DC Input:
Input Address
In 1(Normally Open) 06
In 2(Normally Open) 07
In 1(Normally Close) 26
In 2(Normally close) 27
Analog Input:
Input Address
In 1(Normally Open) 08
In 2(Normally Open) 09
In 3(Normally Open) 0a
In 4(Normally Open) 0b
In 5(Normally Open) 0c
In 6(Normally Open) 0d
In 7(Normally Open) 0e
In 8(Normally Open) 0f
In 1(Normally Close) 28
In 2(Normally Close) 29
In 3(Normally Close) 2a
In 4(Normally Close) 2b
In 5(Normally Close) 2c
In 6(Normally Close) 2d
In 7(Normally Close) 2e
In 8(Normally Close) 2f
Counter/Timer Address
Counter 0/Timer 0 00
(Normally OFF)
Counter 1/Timer 1 01
(Normally OFF)
Counter 0/Timer 0 02
(Normally ON)
Counter 1/Timer 1 03
(Normally ON)
Note: The timer and counter has same address because at a
time we can use only one of them i.e. either counter 0 with address 00 or timer
o with address 00. Here normally OFF
means when timer/counter is running this remains low and when count of
timer/counter reaches it becomes high.
Reverse is the case for normally ON.
Chapter 6
This chapter explains how to
program the PLC. It describes how to write
a program, how the program is structured and representation of the programming
Writing a Program:
A control program specifies a series of operations that
tell the programmable controller how it has to control a system. For example, a control program might be the
series of operations that tell the PLC how to use open loop control or close
loop control for a specific system. We
must write the program in a specific programming language and according to some
specific rules so that the programmable controller can understand it.
Method of Representation:
The following methods of representation are possible to
program PLC.
1. Statement
List (STL):
STL represents the program as a sequence of operation
mnemonics. A statement has the following
A I 04
Where A represents AND operation,
I represent INPUT and
04 represent ADDRESS of INPUT.
2. Control
System Flowchart(CSF):
CSF represents logic operations with graphics symbols.
3. Ladder
LAD graphically represents control functions with circuit
diagram symbols.
4. Graph
Graph 5 describes the structure of sequence control
In our system we are using Statement List (STL) Language.
I Inputs
U Outputs
T Timer
C Counter
= Equals
E End
of Program
In our system STL supports the following operations:
AND Operation:
The AND operation scans to see if various conditions are
satisfied simultaneously.
Circuit Diagram
Output U 01 is “1” when
all two inputs are “1”. The
Output is “0” if atleast one input is “0”.
Representation in
Ladder Diagram Representation
in STL
A I 04
A I 05
I 04 I 05
U 01 = U 01
OR Operation:
The OR operation scans
to see if one of two conditions has been satisfied.
Circuit Diagram:
I 04 I 05
inputs are “0” simultaneously.
Representation in
O I 04
O I 05
= U 01
Representation in
Ladder Diagram
I 04
I 05
U 01
Representation in STL:
O I 04
O I 05
O I 06
O I 07
= U 01
AND before OR Operation:
U 01 is “1” when at-least one AND condition has been satisfied. Output U 01 is “0” when neither of the two
AND conditions has been satisfied.
Representation in STL:
A I 04
A I 05
A I 06
A I 07
= U 01
Circuit Diagram: Ladder Diagram:
I 04
I 06
I 05
I 07
U 01
I 05
I 07
U 01
I 04
I 06
Representation in STL:
A I 04
A I 05
= T
00 10
O I 05
O T 00
= U 01
If both inputs I 04 and I 05
are “1” then only timer T 00 is activated.
The count 10 after T 00 in third instruction specifies that the timer
should continue till 10 seconds. O T 00
specifies that the output U 01 is “1” only if I 05 is “1” or the count of timer has reached 0. If we specify T 02 which is normally ON then the output U 01
is “1” if I 05 is “1” or during timer is running.
This is for timer 0 if we
use timer 1 then T 01 will remain “0” during the timer run and normally ON T 03
will remain “1” during timer run
Chapter 7
Syntax for Program
1. Operand must be in upper
A I 04 right;
Ai 04
2. Always leave only one space
between operand.
3. A I 04 right;
AI 04 wrong;
04 wrong;
A I 04 wrong;
04 wrong;
AI04 wrong;
Clear out
all the previously written instruction from the file before writing instruction
for another application.
5. Always specify hex number in lower case.
T 00 0a right;
T 00 0A wrong;
6. Specify the count of counter
and delay of timer in hex.
= T 00 ff right;
= T 00 255 wrong;
7. Do not keep any line spacing
between two instructions
8. Always end your program with
Chapter 8
Ø Write program in STL
language in file ‘PLC’ on PC using NORTON EDITOR (Do not give any extension to
the PLC file).
Ø Switch on the PLC and
confirm whether the power indicator LED ON or not. If it is ON, switch the PLC in PROGRAM
mode. Confirm that the RED LED
indicating the PROGRAM mode is ON. Now PLC
is ready for receiving the control program written on PC.
Ø Execute the program named
“PLC” on PC in TC directory (i.e. TURBO C).
Ø Wait till the message
Ø Switch the PLC in RUN mode
by changing the switch on RUN mode and then press RESET switch. Confirm the GREEN LED indicating the RUN mode
is ON.
Ø If one of the four FAULT
LEDs is ON then check the reason and again load whole of the program and repeat
the above mentioned procedure.
Ø If “POWER ON” LED (red) is
OFF after switch ON the power, check the FUSE.
If blown then replace it.
Ø If FAULT LED (red) is ON
then “A” or “O” operand might have been missing in start of instruction.
i.e. A I 04
Correct it in the control
program and again load the program.
Ø If FAULT LED (green) is ON
then “I” or “C” or “T” or “U” operand might have been missing in instruction.
i.e. A I 05
Correct it in the control program and again load the program.
Ø If FAULT LED (saffron) is ON
then “=” operand might be missing in instruction.
i.e. A I 05
A I 04
Ø If FAULT LED (yellow) is ON
then the TIMER/COUNTER is specified other than ‘00’ or ‘01’.
i.e. A I 04
A I 05
= T 02 0a
Chapter 9
Software analysis
The higher-level language
program on PC side converts the control program written in STL language into
specific hex codes and transmits these codes to the PLC. The codes are stored in RAM location in PLC.
The lower-level language
program, which is stored in EEPROM internal to the controller, reads hex codes
from memory location one by one. It
compares the code read from the memory location with the predefined hex code
and executes the instruction with accordance to it.
As soon as we put the PLC in
RUN mod, it reads the status of all the I/P. It stores the status in bit
addressable memory location as ‘1’ or ‘0’ depends upon the status. Now it runs
the program and performs operation on the status bit directed as user program.
It stores the result in another bit addressable memory locations which are
corresponds to the O/P. After this it updates all the O/P.
The Flow chart of the
ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE program is given below:
At present in our
system we have 4 digital
inputs and 4 digital outputs which are interfaced with CPU through port C of
8255 having address 8xxxh. The port A
and port B are not presently taken in use.
By using these ports we can expand digital inputs and outputs upto 8
digital inputs and outputs.
Two memory slots of 8k each are not in present
use. One of these slots can be used for
RAM and another one can be used for EEPROM.
Using these slots we can get more 8k of DATA memory using RAM and more
8k of PROGRAM memory using EEPROM.
Interfacing of DAC is provided on the PLC board,
which can be used to give an analog output.
We can construct signal-conditioning circuit so
we can directly connect the transducers like PT100, thermocouple, LVDT etc.
We can further construct PID controller module
which can be switched ON or OFF by this PLC
so we can control systems using
continuous controller in digital fashion.
We can also design stepper motor controller,
which can be interfaced with PLC.
Using chip 8279 we can provide keyboard and
display facility on PLC board.
Chapter 10
In the present industrial world,
a flexible system that can be controlled by user at site is preferred. Systems, whose logic can be modified but
still, used without disturbing its connection to external world, is achieved by
PLC. Utilizing the industrial sensors
such as limit switches, ON-OFF switches, timer contact, counter contact etc.,
PLC controls the total system. The drive
to the solenoid valves, motors, indicators, enunciators, etc are controlled by
the PLCs.
The above said controlling
elements (normally called as inputs of PLCs) and controlled elements (called as
outputs of PLCs) exist abundantly in any industry. These inputs, outputs, timers, counters,
auxiliary contacts are integral parts of all industries. As such, it is difficult to define where a
PLC cannot be used.
Proper application of a PLC begins with conversion of
information into convenient parameters to save money, time and effort and hence
easy operation in plants and laboratories.
The areas where PLC is used
maximum are as follows:
1. The batch processes in
chemical, cement, food and paper industries which are sequential in nature,
requiring time of event based decisions is controlled by PLCs.
2. In large process plants PLCs
are being increasingly used for automatic start up and shut down of critical
equipment. A PLC ensures that equipment
cannot be started unless all the permissive conditions for safe start have seen
established. It also monitors the
conditions necessary for safe running of the equipment and trips the equipment
whenever any abnormality in the system is detected.
3. The PLC can be programmed to
function as an energy management system for boiler control for maximum
efficiency and safety.
4. In automation of blender
5. In automation of bulk
material handling system at ports.
6. In automation for a ship
7. Automation for wagon
8. For blast furnace charging
controls in steel plants.
9. In automation of brick
moulding press in refractories.
10. In automation for
galvanizing unit.
11. For chemical plants process
control automation.
12. In automation of a rock phosphate
drying and grinding system.
13. Modernization of boiler and
turbogenerator set.
14. Process visualization for
mining application.
15. Criteria display system for
power station.
16. As stored programmed
automation unit for the operation of diesel generator sets.
17. In Dairy automation and food
18. For a highly modernized pulp
paper factory.
19. In automation system for the
printing industry.
20. In automation of container
transfer crane.
21. In automation of High-speed
22. In plastic moulding process.
23. In automation of machine
tools and transfer lines.
24. In Mixing operations and
automation of packaging plants.
25. In compressed air plants and
gas handling plants.
26. In fuel oil processing
plants and water classification plants.
27. To control the conveyor/classifying
Thus PLC is ideal for application where plant machine
interlock requirements are finalized at a later stage and need changes during
engineering trial runs, commissioning or normal use. It can be used extensively to replace conventional
relay controls in power stations, refineries, cement, steel, fertilizer,
petrochemical, chemical industries etc.
Applications can thus be extended from monitoring to
supervision, control and management.
The PLC offers a compromise between advance control
techniques and present day technology.
It is extremely difficult to forecast the rate and form of progress of
PLCs, but there is strong evidence that development is both rapid and cumulative. Though a PLC is not designed to replace a
computer, it is useful and cost effective for medium sized control
systems. With the capability of
functioning as local controllers in distributed control systems. PLCs will retain their application in large
process plants.
A further development of PLCs
leads to the development of programmable function controller (PFC) is
compatible to PCs and directly controls the desired functions.
In India every process industry
is replacing relay control systems by PLCs and will go for PFCs in near future. In the near future every flats and offices
may possess PFCs to control room temperature, as elevator controller, maintain
water tank levels, as small telephone exchange etc.
Automatic mixing system
A Agitator
Float switch 1
switch 2
In figure when START button
is pressed, solenoid valve A is energized and a batch of liquid is entered in
tank. Float switch 1 detects the upper limit of liquid of liquid level and
Float switch 2 detects the lower limit of liquid. As, tank begins to fill,
Switch 2 closes. When the tank is full, switch 1 shuts off the solenoid valve A
and start agitator to mix the liquid. The Agitator mixes the liquid for 30
seconds and shuts off. When the Agitator turn off, solenoid valve B is
energized to drain the liquid. After the tank has been emptied, float switch 2
opens and solenoid B shuts off.
The Addresses of I/P and O/P are given below.
Stop Switch I
04 I 24
Start Switch I
05 I 25
Float Switch 1 I
06 I 26
Float Switch 2 I
07 I 27
Valve A U 00 U
Valve B U
01 U 21
Agitator Motor U
02 U 22
Control Relay U
03 U
ladder diagram of this system is given below.
I 07
O 00
O 00
T 00
30 sec
I 06
O 03
O 01
I 06
O 02
I 07
O 01
O 01
Program in STL language:
A I 04
O I 05
O U 03
= U 03
A I 26
A U 03
O I 27
O U 00
= U 00
A I 06
A U 03
A U 21
= T 00 1f
A T 02
A I 06
= U 02
A I 07
O T 00
O U 01
= U 01
Explanation of Ladder Diagram:
In first rung the stop
switch is connected in series with start switch to activate the control relay.
The stop switch is normally close type where as start switch is normally open
type. So when the start switch is pressed control relay is activated. The start
switch is push to on type so normally on contact of control relay is used to
In second rung the NC
contact of float switch 1 and NO contact of control relay is in series with
valve A. When start switch is pressed and the liquid level is below float
switch 1 the valve A is opened and it is closed when level touches the float
switch 1.The NC contact of float switch 2 is latched by the NO contact of valve
A so valve A does not opened as soon as the level falls below the float switch
1 level and remain close till the tank is fully emptied.
In third rung the normally
open contact of float switch 1is connected in series with timer so when liquid
level reaches to float switch 1, the timer is started.
In fourth rung the NC
contact of timer DN bit is connected in series with NO contact of float switch
1 to Agitator motor. When liquid level is at float switch 1and the timer is
running the motor is turned on.
In fifth rung The NO contact
of float switch 2 is connected in series with NO DN bit of timer. So when the
liquid level is above the float switch 2 and timer turned off the valve B is
Chapter 11
Basically consists of data
accessing feature and controlling process remotely.
Conversion of data is
possible i.e. analog to digital and vice
Can communicate to any of
the protocols available in market.
Completely rely on window
based operating systems .
Distance as such doesn’t
hamper SCADA operation.
n Previously without SCADA an industrial process was entirely
controlled by PLC, CNC , PID & microcontrollers having programmed in
certain languages or codes.
n These codes were either
written in assembly language or relay logic without any true animation that
would explain the process running.
In the
left side you see the ladder program which is written for PLC and on the right
side is the process for which the logic is written.
n Now we can easily
the process if it is shown with some animations rather then written codes.
n Hence SCADA came to exist
and with him he brought some exclusive features that amazed the industrial
n SCADA related to industrial
process is called industrial SCADA.
How is SCADA connected
n SCADA is installed in the
computers and through serial port it is linked to PLC .
n All the field devices are
connected to PLC and they get
signals or commands from
Whatever applications we
want to run can be executed either through PLC or SCADA.

Hence any DCS
that is available in the market by using specific driver software

these alarms are implemented by
lamps or Hooters in field but SCADA represents it with a format.
The format
consists of date , time , status ,
priorities ,
many such elements which can be used for generation of reports.
n These are also called as XY
plotters or Data loggers. Basically it represents the values in wave formats
.It is one of the important feature of SCADA.
n It plots the value with
reference to time.
n Trend is subdivided into
real time and historical trends. i.e.
we can see the present values of the process as well past values and can be
stored and records can be maintained for the same.
v It is the combination of
logical operators which are written in a statement.
v It is used to run the
applications made or stimulate before final execution.
types of scripts make project execution simpler for programmer
Every application has to be secured from unauthorized users by
different security levels .
In SCADA this security can be given as a whole as well as individually.
One of the finest features of any SCADA .
It explains that we can maintain various recipes of different process
and implement it on the process.
All the recipes are stored in a single server and it can be fetched by
any client server from any area to run the process.

v It explains we can share
SCADA applications on LAN or Internet as well exchange of data is possible.
v Many Networking protocols
are supported by SCADA software.
SCADA can be put on
networking with other peripherals and processors with various networking
Cost of SCADA is decided by two factors. Number
of tags and packages.
Packages are DRN and
DRN stands for development ,runtime &networking.
RN stands for run and
Every symbol used in software has to be specified name .
The logical name given to any symbol is said to be tag name.
Tag types define the symbol category. It
may be discrete , analog or strings.
Conclusion of cost benefits analysis
Through total
automation solution ,synthetic chemical plant achieves…..
Ø Enhanced control over
plant operation
Ø Better usage of utilities
like boiler etc.
Ø Higher productivity
Ø Improved skill of workmen
Ø Better monitoring leading to
reduced maintenance
Ø Greater safety of plant and
n B. RAM.
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